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Press Archive

The story of Robert Chua

1980-1981 photo
19800126 Screen International -Robert Chua signs the agreement

19800126 Screen International -Robert Chua signs the agreement

19800200 Asian Business -Citizen wins Beijing time-check

19800200 Asian Business -Citizen wins Beijing time-check

19800200 media -Chau in time for a double

19800200 media -Chau in time for a double

19800416 the star -China magazine deal

19800416 the star -China magazine deal

19800908 文匯報 -蔡和平情趣 乃做事成功

19800908 文匯報 -蔡和平情趣 乃做事成功

19801028 文匯報 -蔡和平電視錄影廠特刊

19801028 文匯報 -蔡和平電視錄影廠特刊











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19801028_scmp_06 (1)













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19801028_scmp_13 (1)















19801028_scmp_20 Special Brand of Entertainment

19801028_scmp_20 Special Brand of Entertainment

19801130 Hong Kong Young Executive -TV as a marketing tool --The Robert Chua touch

19801130 Hong Kong Young Executive -TV as a marketing tool --The Robert Chua touch

19801203 The Star Hong Kong -Announcing

19801203 The Star Hong Kong -Announcing

19801208 南洋商報 -與蔡和平一席談

19801208 南洋商報 -與蔡和平一席談

19801227 Business News -Annual Reports are coming to Television

19801227 Business News -Annual Reports are coming to Television

1980223 Business News -I personally find your Journal extremely useful because it keeps me

1980223 Business News -I personally find your Journal extremely useful because it keeps me

19810103 the straits times -TV trailblazer speaks

19810103 the straits times -TV trailblazer speaks

198102026 the Star HK -China-HK-S’pore restaurant plan shelved

198102026 the Star HK -China-HK-S’pore restaurant plan shelved

19810300 Media -At last advertisers and advertising agencies can control the standard mate

19810300 Media -At last advertisers and advertising agencies can control the standard mate

19810923 scmp -Petition to close local TV studio

19810923 scmp -Petition to close local TV studio

19811000 ABC -Governments need a push to bring production in from the cold.

19811000 ABC -Governments need a push to bring production in from the cold.

19811016 the Straits times -Mix of talent vital, says SBC chairman

19811016 the Straits times -Mix of talent vital, says SBC chairman

19811115 成報 -麗的二台新節目名 M

19811115 成報 -麗的二台新節目名 M

19811115 華僑日報 -麗的二台推出 M

19811115 華僑日報 -麗的二台推出 M



19811116 -蔡和平昨日表示替麗視泡製綜合性節目

19811116 -蔡和平昨日表示替麗視泡製綜合性節目

19811116 -麗的綜合性節目 建議M組織包拍

19811116 -麗的綜合性節目 建議M組織包拍

19811116 Hong Kong Daily News -蔡和平與麗的合作 包拍節目形式出現

19811116 Hong Kong Daily News -蔡和平與麗的合作 包拍節目形式出現

19811116 工商日報 -委託代拍綜合性節目 下月先在西台播映

19811116 工商日報 -委託代拍綜合性節目 下月先在西台播映

19811116 成報 -蔡和平組成三人公司 與麗的商談包拍節目

19811116 成報 -蔡和平組成三人公司 與麗的商談包拍節目

19811116 星報 -蔡和平陳家蓀開上火線

19811116 星報 -蔡和平陳家蓀開上火線

19811116 東方-蔡和平陳家蓀等組成公司 專製作綜合性節目

19811116 東方-蔡和平陳家蓀等組成公司 專製作綜合性節目

19811117 the stars -RTV calls in help for men’s show

19811117 the stars -RTV calls in help for men’s show

19811200 ABC -Production from outside would cut cost; but where is it

19811200 ABC -Production from outside would cut cost; but where is it

19811218 The Straits Times -TV king moves in

19811218 The Straits Times -TV king moves in

19820000 -Why they join the police force

19820000 -Why they join the police force

19820219 scmp -M’s food for thought but…

19820219 scmp -M’s food for thought but…

19820219 The Asian Wall Street Journal -China Plans to Closely Supervise Domestic and Fore

19820219 The Asian Wall Street Journal -China Plans to Closely Supervise Domestic and Fore

19820302 scmp -High Court bid to close TV company

19820302 scmp -High Court bid to close TV company

19820405 media -If it moves Robert Chua will shoot it

19820405 media -If it moves Robert Chua will shoot it

19820415 The Straits Times -For love of the sixties

19820415 The Straits Times -For love of the sixties

19820426 Business News -VAR tapes to boost China’s business

19820426 Business News -VAR tapes to boost China’s business

19820426 Business Standard -Series of video tapes to help China promote exports

19820426 Business Standard -Series of video tapes to help China promote exports

19820517 Media -Why you should pay more importance on the man

19820517 Media -Why you should pay more importance on the man

19820921 New Nation -Image maker who mints visions

19820921 New Nation -Image maker who mints visions

19821007 scmp -VCR tapes to boost business

19821007 scmp -VCR tapes to boost business

19821023 南洋商報 -商品目錄-錄影帶

19821023 南洋商報 -商品目錄-錄影帶

19821112 Asian Week -Selling video to China

19821112 Asian Week -Selling video to China

19830000 Robert -Hong Kong think Robert Chua has such a great video set-up they built the

19830000 Robert -Hong Kong think Robert Chua has such a great video set-up they built the

19830000 Robert Chua Production House Co Ltd  -China update

19830000 Robert Chua Production House Co Ltd -China update

19830000 Robert Chua Production House Co Ltd  -Take the 1983 toys and gifts fair home

19830000 Robert Chua Production House Co Ltd -Take the 1983 toys and gifts fair home

19830000 Robert Chua Production House Co Ltd -China advertising rate

19830000 Robert Chua Production House Co Ltd -China advertising rate

19830105 -蔡和平將和豪華歌劇院拆伙

19830105 -蔡和平將和豪華歌劇院拆伙

19830113 The Straits Times -Sesame Street

19830113 The Straits Times -Sesame Street

19830120 Source to be confirmed -Laser beams and smoke machines at Hoover soon

19830120 Source to be confirmed -Laser beams and smoke machines at Hoover soon

19830122 明報晚報 -蔡和平與友在星投資數百萬經營歌劇院

19830122 明報晚報 -蔡和平與友在星投資數百萬經營歌劇院

19830126 The Straits Times -A new beginning for Hoover

19830126 The Straits Times -A new beginning for Hoover

19830126 The Straits Times -Live shows

19830126 The Straits Times -Live shows

19830128 新明日報 -歌廳行業又將復甦

19830128 新明日報 -歌廳行業又將復甦

19830207 The Straits Times -Hoover live theatre

19830207 The Straits Times -Hoover live theatre

19830207 星洲日報 -豪華歌劇院 [Chinese]

19830207 星洲日報 -豪華歌劇院 [Chinese]

19830208 The Singapore Monitor -Hoover Theatre hopes to get licence in time for opening sh

19830208 The Singapore Monitor -Hoover Theatre hopes to get licence in time for opening sh

19830209 南洋商報 -豪華歌劇院星期五隆重開幕

19830209 南洋商報 -豪華歌劇院星期五隆重開幕

19830302 星州日報 -鄭君綿等人訪問本報

19830302 星州日報 -鄭君綿等人訪問本報

19830319 -香港電視節目水準 堪與先進國家媲美

19830319 -香港電視節目水準 堪與先進國家媲美

19830801 東方 -蔡和平

19830801 東方 -蔡和平

19831129 新明日報 -蔡和平主持商業講座

19831129 新明日報 -蔡和平主持商業講座

19831212 The Straits Times -Opening today – Singapore’s newest entertainment center

19831212 The Straits Times -Opening today – Singapore’s newest entertainment center

1983506 The Straits Times -The show goes on

1983506 The Straits Times -The show goes on

19840000 -蔡和平和仙杜拉合照

19840000 -蔡和平和仙杜拉合照

19840100 -TVB Celebrates its 16th

19840100 -TVB Celebrates its 16th

19840124 scmp -Chua invests $2m in video venture

19840124 scmp -Chua invests $2m in video venture

19840126 BMAGAZINE -Celebration Robert Chua Productions Relocation

19840126 BMAGAZINE -Celebration Robert Chua Productions Relocation

19840220 The Straits Times -Sentosa goes to Guangdong

19840220 The Straits Times -Sentosa goes to Guangdong

19840400 LifeOverseas -電視怪傑蔡和平 01

19840400 LifeOverseas -電視怪傑蔡和平 01

19840400 LifeOverseas -電視怪傑蔡和平 02

19840400 LifeOverseas -電視怪傑蔡和平 02



19840509 新星日報 -蔡和平夫人任萍萍 設計本屆港姐旗袍

19840509 新星日報 -蔡和平夫人任萍萍 設計本屆港姐旗袍

19840509 星報 -任平平

19840509 星報 -任平平

19840509 電視日報 -為配合陽光活力 泳衣旗袍有革新

19840509 電視日報 -為配合陽光活力 泳衣旗袍有革新

19840511 IN SEARCH OF THE HOLY SCROLL -蔡和平 任平平 和諧的一對

19840511 IN SEARCH OF THE HOLY SCROLL -蔡和平 任平平 和諧的一對

19840520 scmp -Video king Chua has the last laugh

19840520 scmp -Video king Chua has the last laugh

19840623 Informative Reference – Xinhua News Agency -電視怪杰蔡和平

19840623 Informative Reference – Xinhua News Agency -電視怪杰蔡和平

19840626 hk standaed -The Sky’s the Limit For TV’s Whizz Kid

19840626 hk standaed -The Sky’s the Limit For TV’s Whizz Kid

19840724 business times -RCP-TV Studios decides to pull out

19840724 business times -RCP-TV Studios decides to pull out

19841027 hk standard -Robert Chua breaks new group with an English situation comedy

19841027 hk standard -Robert Chua breaks new group with an English situation comedy

19841203 -Laughter – the oriental way

19841203 -Laughter – the oriental way

1982-1984 photo
1985-1989 photo
19850130 -CP-TV Studios Robert Chua Productions

19850130 -CP-TV Studios Robert Chua Productions

19850224 the straits Times -Kodak presents – Hong Kong’s first and funniest TV Sitcome

19850224 the straits Times -Kodak presents – Hong Kong’s first and funniest TV Sitcome

19850331 international magazine -Party – annual party hosted by Robert Chua production

19850331 international magazine -Party – annual party hosted by Robert Chua production

19850402 東方 -蔡和平是「上帝」

19850402 東方 -蔡和平是「上帝」

19850413 scmp -Impatience pays off for Robert Chua

19850413 scmp -Impatience pays off for Robert Chua

19850801 Intersect Japan Asia -Programming and a Large Dose of Faith

19850801 Intersect Japan Asia -Programming and a Large Dose of Faith

19850825 scmp -World’s buyers are Chua’s new target audience

19850825 scmp -World’s buyers are Chua’s new target audience

19850900 HONG KONG Tatler -Nothing Wishy  Washy Here

19850900 HONG KONG Tatler -Nothing Wishy Washy Here

19870200 the Hong Kong Tatler -The Chuas Relaxed and informal buffets

19870200 the Hong Kong Tatler -The Chuas Relaxed and informal buffets

19870800 Cosmopolitan -電視台元老 文玩收藏家 蔡和平再創新境界 01

19870800 Cosmopolitan -電視台元老 文玩收藏家 蔡和平再創新境界 01

19870800 Cosmopolitan -電視台元老 文玩收藏家 蔡和平再創新境界 02

19870800 Cosmopolitan -電視台元老 文玩收藏家 蔡和平再創新境界 02

19870800 Cosmopolitan -電視台元老 文玩收藏家 蔡和平再創新境界 03

19870800 Cosmopolitan -電視台元老 文玩收藏家 蔡和平再創新境界 03

19870800 Cosmopolitan -電視台元老 文玩收藏家 蔡和平再創新境界 04

19870800 Cosmopolitan -電視台元老 文玩收藏家 蔡和平再創新境界 04

19870800 Cosmopolitan -電視台元老 文玩收藏家 蔡和平再創新境界 05

19870800 Cosmopolitan -電視台元老 文玩收藏家 蔡和平再創新境界 05

19890114 scmp -A zest for class

19890114 scmp -A zest for class

19890116 Times and Entertainment

19890116 Times and Entertainment

19890226 Ming Pao Weekend -蔡和平與烏龜的故事

19890226 Ming Pao Weekend -蔡和平與烏龜的故事

19890707 東方 -蔡和平決冒險北上

19890707 東方 -蔡和平決冒險北上

19890809 the straits Times

19890809 the straits Times

19891126 scmp the guide - Playing to adults only

19891126 scmp the guide - Playing to adults only

Copyright © 2023 Robert Chua Productions All rights reserved.
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