In May, 1997 Robert Chua celebrated both his 30th year in television in Hong Kong and his 51st birthday at a glamorous party in the exclusive China Club in Hong Kong’s Central district.
A select group of friends, colleagues and celebrities gathered to mark the special occasion in their own individual styles. Famous singers sang their old hits and acknowledged Robert’s contribution to the launch of their successful careers.
All remembered Robert’s early days in Hong Kong, when the 5 nights a week “Enjoy Yourself Tonight” was “must” viewing each evening and became a favourite part of all their lives. The guests also recalled how Robert created Hong Kong’s first ever marathon charity TV show that raised millions of dollars – a lot of money in those days.
Mr Chung King-Fai (Video: 30th year in television), Dean of Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts and a long time veteran of the Hong Kong broadcasting scene said television in Hong Kong would have taken far longer to reach its current high standards if not for Robert Chua’s pioneering effort in the early days.

30 years in HK
The story of Robert Chua
“Enjoy Yourself Tonight” was “must” viewing each evening and became a favourite part of all their lives.