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A maverick comes full circle, Singapore Business Times,April 12 1995.jpg

An audience with Hong Kong’s Mr TV,Shanghai Daily, April 2003.jpg

Blood went to my brainThe New Paper, 13 May 2003.jpg

Broadcaster’s dream going down the tube, Sunday Morning Post, January 11, 1996.jpg

Can Robert Chua Beat theBig Boys of Satellite TV Asia Magazine,January 21-23 1994.jpg

Channel Vision,December 1994.jpg

Fight in the skies, China Commercial News, December 1997.jpg

Let me entertain you, South China Morning Post,May 15, 2002.jpg

Mr Video, Times & EntertainmentJanuary 16-22 1989.jpg

Robert Chua tells why his Pan-Asian service will work, Electronic Media International, Dec

Robert returns to Singapore with a winner, AdasiaJuly, 2002 .jpg

Robert returns to Singapore with a winner, AdasiaJuly, 2002.jpg

Television Veteran Robert Chua Embraces A New Challenge, Hong Kong Standard,July 19 1997.j

The success of clean TV, Hong Kong Standard, August 12 1996.jpg

Why no news is good news for television’s Robert and Peggy Chua, Sunday Morning Post Magaz

“Behind the scene support for China Light Entertainment”Shanghai Overseas Chinese News, Au

“任平平擦乾眼淚嫁蔡和平”, 明報周刋, 1974.jpg

本港第五家電視台娛樂一周, June 26 1977.jpg

蔡和平下台一鞠躬,娛樂一周, 1973.jpg


蔡和平捲土重來星晚周刊, March 29 1975.jpg

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