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Dear Peggy and Robert,

After seeing this wonderful compilation of your life,
with all the aspects from childhood, family,
professional life, marriage and health, I am so

touched to see that you are both still very
eloquent and elegant….just as when we knew you
while living in Hong Kong years ago.You have both
contributed a great deal to your country and the
international world, and you certainly know how
to experience life to the fullest. I am delighted
that we know you and that we keep in touch, as you
suggest in this great compilation of your life!


Your friends, Catherine and Mathieu and John


Name: Cecilia Lee

Mr. Chua,

My name is Cecilia. I don’t know if you really check this email or not, but this is the only way I could find to contact you or your company. Back in 1986, that’s 25 years ago, I went to your company and did 4 commercials in Kowloon Tong. They are McDonald’s, Teddy Ruxpin, a brand of milk formula, and a medicine cream. Throughout the years, I thought I have a tape with the commercials. However, that wasn’t the case. We don’t have the tape. I would like to find out what I can do in order to get a copy of the commercials. Since your company did the production, I really hope that they still have a copy. That’s really a memorable memory and I hope to see them again. Thanks a lot!

Name: Joanna Kerr (nee Lyle)

Hi There,

It has been such a long time but I have been thinking of you lately as I look back on my short time in television. I hope to one day see you again and wish you very well.


Life is Australia is still wonderful and I have recently built a beautiful home with my husband. We have even begun collecting antiques. Probably why I think of you so often.


Lots of love from Down Under.


Name: Matthew Robins

Dear Robert:


I’ve been a fan of yours for quite awhile….entrepeneurs like me are inspired by the accomplishments of people like you.


So it was with great excitementthat I read your comments on the current wave of reality television emanating from our part of the world.I agree totally:I cannot watch any of it.We’re suffering through another these days, THE BACHELOR, where 25 women and one man….oh, I can’t bear to even describe it!


You’re an industry leader, Robert….I do hope others follow your lead!


Congratulations again,

Gary Lico

President/CEO CABLEready

Name: Hui Wing

Dear Mr. Chua,

I am the one who sent you my on-air tape right after Lunar New Year.

Just to note you that I got your voice message. However, no call from your staff has been received yet.

Do you mind if you could email me your office number / email so that i could try to reach you by phone again.

I am pretty much okay to work on freelance basis if there isn’t any full time project available.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Wing HUI

Name: Elina Bergroth





Hi Mr Robert Chua!

I was really glad that you spoke at the Young Entrepreneurs Congress. I was truly inspired by you. It’s hard to explain this, but somewhere in-between the congress and walking home, something in me just ‘clicked’. I’ve always thought of starting a business in the lifestyle sector (which I am passionate about) but the inertia was always so much greater than my passion. But right now I actually feel that I can. And that in fact, I have known all along that I can but that I’ve just never had the courage to believe it. The opportunity of watching you speak first-hand, someone who has really gone through difficulties and overcomed them the way you have, gives me a down-to-earth feeling that I can do too. Thank you for your talk, and for the sincerity, energy and passion I felt so strongly coming through your speech. You shall remain in my mind for many years to come. Here, I wish you the best in your future endeavours, and happiness and health always in the family.

Love, Serene

Name: Serene

Name: Clinton Lim

Name: Agnes Lee

Dear Robert,

The last time I touched based with you was over 40 years ago…when you first joined Kind’s College, stayed with with Rev Canon Adams, Adelaide.I also remember your early days at ADS Channel 7, North Adelaide.


I am Clinton Lim, a fellow Singaporean and if you still cannot quite recall me, you’re excused, as 40 years is a long time.


How fast time flies. What you have achieved in media is nothing short of phenomenal. I am proud of you, Robert. And I am sure you will scale greater heights in the world media.


Robert, I have a great patent-protected TV Game Show idea and will email you separately to explore how we can collaborate in a win-win manner.


Clinton Lim


Dear Mr. Chua

I am a Malaysian who presently works and resides in Shenzhen, PRC.I have been on a one year break after being in the hotel industry for the past 18 years.


During this time, the television has been my companion and is a great form of relaxation, at least for me.This is when I chanced upon CETV which is available via cable (Topways).


I love what has been created and am looking forward a larger variety of programs.Can I ask, how much of materials are produced out of Taiwan, HK, China etc.?


Keep up the good work.You now have a fan in me I will be following closely in all that you do.

God Bless


Name: Olivia Cheng

Hello Robert,

My name is Olivia Cheng.I’m a broadcast journalist from Canada.I was directed to your website by a Mr. Jordan Wood who is interested in producing a half hour sample ESL show for you.I checked out your site and just wanted to say hello.


Olivia Cheng

Name: Jordan Wood

Dear Mr. Chua,

Greetings from Edmonton, Alberta Canada. My name is Jordan Wood. I am a Canadian resident and a personal fan of yours. Your work in Asian media is an inspiration to those of us who are starting out in media.


Personally, I have worked as a school teacher and as a Training and Development Coordinator for Ipsos Reid Direct where our focus was television commercial copy testing. My undergraduate degree is in education with a minor focus in English as a Second Language. I am very much interested in expanding my work into radio and perhaps television broadcasting.


For the past couple of years, I have been researching the possibility of producing English as a Second Language radio programming for mainland China. I believe that there is an opportunity to grow business in this market and that this sector is underserviced in terms of providers as compared wtih other Asian countries like Japan and Korea.


We have a number of interested people in Edmonton who have worked as educators in English as a Second Language, and producers and technical support who have worked in radio and television both here and in mainland China, that would like to work in a project of this nature.


Recently, we pitched a daily half-hour radio program concept to a number of mainland Chinese radio stations and they replied with considerable interest in the idea.


We believe that radio would be an excellent venue from which to launch a variety of services in the ESL marketplace ie. distance learning modules and ESL products and resources (books/tapes/videos/software/magazines) for a number of demographic targets.


We believe that Canada is an excellent location to produce these resources given our immediate access to a variety of English media products, ESL educational resources, equipment/facilities and production/educational talent.


Would you be able to to point us in the right direction? We need further counsel as to whether or not this is a viable business idea. If it is indeed viable, as we think it is, we need to secure business partnerships in Mainland China/Asia and finacial backing that will complement the success of this venture and take it to the next step.


If you are interested in this idea or able to help in any way it would be greatly appreciated. I am also interested in any biographical work that has been compiled about you.


Kind regards,

Jordan Wood

Name: Ingvar Grimsmo

Name: Matthew Robins

I am glad you wrote this because these shows really are stupid. I don’t watch them out of principle, but from what I have seen I agree with you totally.


However, some people might think that these people on the show are volunteers and profit seeking idiots that actually work hard to get on the shows. It is also often believed that most of the participants are merely acting and walk out of there with their money and go home happy.


The few on the shows that are actually real are of course the true idiots.


I think that it’s the global viewer’s lack of cultural upbringing and respect for people’s emotions that are the real cause for the craze. After all, if no one wanted to watch – there would be no shows. You couldn’t PAY me enough to watch them. (Well OK, everything has a price)


The cold-blooded producers merely sees a group of revenue producing, idiot viewers that get off on these things. The group of people that buy National Enquirer and pay to listen to your Squidgy tapes are lost souls in the world of emotional turmoil. Probably with little family values and a “whatever” view on life. Lowlifes themselves, they find pleasure in watching the pain and embarrasement of others. It feeds their own misery. THEY are the cause of all this.


This is, in my opinion the true sadness about this. Not always the opportunistic vultures of the TV industry. They are merely taking advantage of a “commercial viable” opportunity. (Who said this again….?)


You are of course right in every respect in blaming the producers. They are the ones that should have said NO because of social responsibilities. But they wont. Shareholders, executives and the public demands profitable and fresh material to keep the sillymachine going.


I thing as a world we might be failing in bringing up our kids in a socially responsible manner. To our credit, I can tell you that John and Erik would never watch these shows and thank God understand why the shows are so morally poor.


Bottom line in my thinking…. yes, you can blame the producers – but it’s the viewers wanting this garbage that drives the machine.



Hi there Mr Chua,

How are you ?

I hope that you are well ?


My name is Matt Robins and i’m a huge fan of the legendary Bruce Lee and hong kong cinema in general.


I have seen so many photo’s and a few clips of footage of when Bruce Lee appeared on your shows.


I have heard that all these appearences were destroyed but that sounds crazy to me.


I along with so many other fans would love to see all the episodes that Bruce Lee appeared on your fantastic show. Do you still have these episodes ?


And if so will they ever be realeased to the general public in a dvd box set ?


Sorry for so many questions anyway i hope to hear back from you soon.


Take care all the very best. Matt.



P.S would it be possible to have your autograph ?


Many thanks. Matt.

Name: jin

Dear Mr Chua


This is great opportunity for younster like me to have a better understanding about tv industry.but wat if we have no tv background and wish to join tv industry,wat ways or route?

Name: Dr. Michael Hoffman

Dear Mr. Chua,


I heard about your web site from RTHK this morning with reference to a proposed program that would enable or attempt to bring opposing parties together. Specifically I have been in a 13-year dispute with the Lands Department. Recently information has been presented in ‘pre-discovery’ that would Indicate that officers in the Lands Department have obstructed justice and Withheld vital information concerning this long dispute.The withheld Information would have solved the problem years ago in my favor.That Seems to be the reason the information was withheld. A pressing question to HK Government should be, “if the Justice Department Is defending the Lands Department in the dispute, who prosecutes the officers That obstructed justice in withholding the information that would prove Lands Department wrong doings. If there is a program in the works I’d like to be a part of it.


Yours truly,

Dr. Michael Hoffman

Name: js

Name: Greg Lowitz

I was very amazed and impressed by your milestone.
I was a Singaporean and look forward to be like you who contribute so much to the TV industry. Though currently the economy is not good enough for Singapore industry to recruit more younsters,I will not give up and try my best to persuit my dream.

I’m delighted to have met you during Streaming Media Asia. I look forward to a long-term, mutually beneficial friendship and business releationship as we forge new frontiers together in Internet broadcasting!


Thank you for your hospitality!

Warm Regards,

Greg Lowitz

General Manager

Webcasting Solutions Group

Pinnacle Systems, Inc.

Name: Philip Wong

Name: Mark Bick

Hello, I just like to say that you have a great attitude towards life. Currently I am doing a software technology project in SE Asia.


If you are interested perhaps we can talk. email me at




I was looking at wired news and saw that you had purchased 6,000 domain names. I think that you are doing a great job with the non-sex oriented ideas for tv and the web. Keep it up. The world needs more people with your beliefs.




Name: Joshua Bernard 

I visited your site through I just thought I’d say you have an interesting web-site. I always enjoy reading about the person behind the story. Thanks. Perhaps someday I will Visit china and see your work in person.


Joshua Bernard

Name: Tarik Yalvac

Robert Chua is a very close friend. He is the grestest collector of Asian Art. He’s also a genius in media business. I am proud to have met Robert and his wife, who is one of the most charming ladies I have ever met. I wish both of them all the happiness and success in life.


Tarik Yalvac

Consul General of Turkey

Name: Lee Bernstein

As a friend of Robert Chua? and as a columnist for the New England Antiques Journal, it’s a pleasure to send both Robert and Peggy my well wishes for continued success. I particularly enjoyed Robert’s Chinese antiques page, and I’ve recommended the page as a must-view to all my antiques and collectibles fans.


Great job, Robert!


Warmest regards,


Lee Bernstein

Both Robert and I worked as Floor Manager at RTS(Radio and Television Singapore). We were buddies. Robert left as he felt unappreciated. Though now it is cool to say as Albert Einstein said, Imagination is more important than knowledge, then it wasn’t a cool idea.Luckilly for Robert, he did not stagnate with officialdom. He went to Hong Kong and the rest, as is said, is history. I watched his progress and achievements with quiet glee and thought good for you Robert you are making great professional inroads. Now he has done much more than that. His bravado in coming up with highly creative tv programmes and products make him easilly one of the great heroes of Asian media. The Time Warner link elevates him to international fame. There is more to come from Robert Chua. I await with glee!






Name: Ananda Perera

Name: Beth & Sandy

As with everything you do, your web-site is absolutely first class. It is very informative, and provides outstanding profiles of both of you.


This effort is yet, another indication of your being able to deliver the same kind of quality product you have been doing for so many years. It is also further testimony to your commitment to bringing people together through broad-based communications efforts….Robert Chua Productions, CETV, and now, your new web-site. You continue to provide a great service to so many….Hong Kong, China, and now, the world!


All the best.

Beth & Sandy

Name: Terrence Shan

Your conscientiousness and accomplishments over the years as a successful media entrepreneur set a fine example and goal to the younger generations to emulate. I personally learned and enjoyed a great deal after going through the pages. Thanx!

Name: Tom Hartje

Name: Richard

Robert.You are absolutely right to criticize the degrading reality shows.You may not be politically correct in your criticism, but you are morally correct.There is a direct link betweeen what we see and hear and our own mentality and actions.Degrading and debased television results in a degraded and debased society.Asia should resist acquiring the rights to these television series and protect the people.Keep up the good work, Robert.Be fearless. Speak your mind.


Name: Paul Ellithorpe

You two are still fabulous!

Name: Pat Williams

Cool site.

Name: John Lee

Name: dsfds
Email:  sdfsd@fsdfe.te

Hello long ago was not audible you.

Robert, Hey old friend!Glad to see your back in the saddle and shaking things up.Your endless energy and innovation is to be envied.Come visit us in San Francisco and the Wine Country!

Good site, thank you.

Copyright © 2023 Robert Chua Productions All rights reserved.
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