Dated: April, 2004
Everyone Wins
Don’t miss out on the Everyone Wins Charity Special on Mar 31, Apr 7 & 14, 2004, 8-9pm where you stand to win cash while doing your part for charity together with celebs like Alan Tern, Terence Cao, Vincent Ng, Huang Biren, Chen Liping, Priscelia Chan & many more!
Host: Jack Neo
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, The Weakest Link, Wheel Of Fortune, Russian Roulette…we’ve been swarmed with a plethora of gameshow heavy-hitters in recent years but none we could cradle and declare as our very own.
The wait, however, ends with the launch of Everyone Wins.
Billed as Singapore’s very 1st own formatted gameshow in every sense – the brain behind the gameshow is none other than Singapore-born TV veteran Robert Chua, Everyone Wins also prides itself for having a true-blue Singaporean as the host for the 1st time.
Another unique feature of this local (but already going places) gameshow is that it requires contestants to compete and call the bluff at the same time and it also allows homeviewers the chance to win cash prizes as well!
While we bring on the fanfare, read on to find out what gives!
Studio Participants
In the studio, 6 participants will contest in 3 rounds of questions & answers. Each round consists of 5 multiple-choice questions. The 1st and last round will be text-based questions (normal Q&A), while the 2nd round will be visual-based questions (observation questions based on video snippets).
Contestants will have to answer 5 questions per round within a specific timeframe. There is a score counter that will determine the points due to the contestants. The quicker the contestants answer each question correctly, the higher their scores. Likewise, the quicker they answer the questions incorrectly, the higher the points deducted.
Contestants do not know the scores of other contestants (Only lucky viewers like you can see their scores). After completion of Round 1, contestants will be asked if they want to change their scores. Only one of those who have submitted their requests, (selected through computer balloting) get the chance to choose who they would want to exchange score with. Exchanging of scores will then take place.
The same mechanics will apply to Round 2 Q&A, and scores-exchange. After Round 3 Q&A, the selected contestant will be offered 3 choices:
1) exchange score with the contestant of his choice;
2) keep his score, get other contestants to exchange their scores;
3) get the mystery gift, while getting other contestants to exchange their scores.
At the end of this round, results of the 3 contestants with the highest scores will be announced. The winner in 3rd place will bring home the same amount of cash as his/her score. For the winner in 2nd place, he/she will bring home the amount he/she won with one ‘zero’ added to the back of his/her score, (e.g. score is 65, he/she will bring home 65+0=$ 650). The person with the highest score will get to add 2 ‘zeroes’ (e.g. score is 65, he/she will bring home 65+00=$ 6500).
Homeviewers get to participate by calling a hotline number (1900 911 3456) to register their participation. In each Q&A, the last digit of 3 contestants’ scores will be highlighted on screen. Should the numbers reflected match in sequence to their NRIC number or Harvey Norman receipt, he/she will have to call the hotline to participate. The 1st & 2nd round will generate 4x 3-digit numbers respectively, while the 3rd round will generate 4 x 5-digit numbers respectively.
Everyone Wins Charity Special
Everyone wins, including the less fortunate in this Charity Special where celebs come together in 3-special episodes of this exciting and enjoyable gameshow!
Mar 31 – Dude Special
Artistes: Alan Tern, Terence Cao, Vincent Ng, Huang Shiyu, Qi Yuwu and Chew Chor Meng
Apr 7 – Veteran Special
Artistes: Aileen Tan, Huang Biren, Chen Liping, Rayson Tan, Huang Yiliang and Chen Huihui
Apr 14 – Sweet Young Things Special
Artistes: Priscelia Chan, Jaime Teo, Huang Hui, Michelle Liow, Dai Qianyun and Felicia Chin
And homeviwers, take note! You can stand to win cash while doing your part for charity!
Round 1 & 2:
At the end of the rounds, 4 sets of 3-digit numbers will appear and if your land line or mobile phone consists of any of the 3-digit numbers, pick up the phone and call the hotline at 1900 112 6868! You stand to win $ 2888 in cash!
– Each call be charged at $ 5.25 + $ 0.20
– Each call made is a contribution to NKF of $ 5.
– Callers under 18 years and below to seek parental consent
Round 3
At the end of this round, 4 sets of 3-digit numbers will appear and if your land line or mobile phone consists of any of the 3-digit numbers, pick up the phone and call the hotline at 1900 112 6833! You stand to win $ 6888 in cash!
– Each call will be charged at $ 15.75 + $ 0.20 admin fee per call
– Each call made is a contribution to NKF of $ 15.
– Callers under 18 years and below to seek parental consent
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Dated: 25th November, 2003
Fellow Singaporeans,
I have had my personal say on the near total blackout of coverage in SPH’s Chinese newspapers regarding the proven success of “Everyone Wins”, a show I created with the involvement and contribution from fellow Singaporean Professionals.
I now invite your opinions on the matter, and your consideration of a future lobby for fair play and a level playing field in Singapore’s media sector.
You be the judge.
Would more proportionate coverage in our Chinese press, of any and all subjects, better reflect the minds of the people?
Would positive comment on “good news” better serve our community and help build the “Can Do” spirit of Singapore?
Could these objectives be more easily reached with a more balanced cross-media protocol developed with our Government’s blessing and support?
Or are we best served by what many see as an anti-competitive monopoly over media segments?
Should the “Everyone Wins” issue, in particular, be dismissed (“Correspondence on this subject is now closed.”) or aired and resolved in a fair and balanced manner?
What is the right and wrong of it, in your opinion?
You decide.
E-mail me at this website.
But be informed… read the following letters (that are my personal opinions) on this matter, which are presented unedited and in sequence below.
I must add that I have always considered SPH’s newspapers to be professional and socially responsible in it’s reporting, until 21st August.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Robert Chua

Everyone Wins The world’s first “virtual interactive Game Show”. Viewers at home can be part of the TV game and win prizes – without installing any special equipment ! No set-top box required! No registration required!
EveryOne Wins Singapore TV Promotion (Chinese/English) Promotion
Programme : Shanghai EveryOne Wins (English Pilot) Programme
Programme : Shanghai EveryOne Wins (English Subtitled) Programme
Programme : Singapore EveryOne Wins (English Subtitled) Programme
You Be The Judge Forget expensive lawyers and stuffy courtrooms, You be the Judge is the high concept reality dilemma show. The format brings the excitement and drama of the courtroom to the television and the power of verdict to viewers at home.