Tribute to Lydia Shum
The death of veteran TV/Film comedienne Lydia Shum Tin-ha is a great loss to the Chinese communities all over the world.
I had the honor to work with Lydia when I first discovered her in June 1967 through the kind introduction of Nancy Sit Kar-in nearly 41 years ago when she was only 22 years old (2 years older than Joyce who is now 20 years old). I was looking for talents to sign up to join the EYT Cast (Enjoy Yourself Tonight) that I was creating. After meeting her for a few minutes I decided to sign her up immediately without any ‘screen test’. She was so sweet with such natural talent that I knew she would be an immediate success with the viewers of EYT. I was right and the rest is history.
She was a very versatile talent. She was very smart and quick as a Presenter, good Comedienne who plays with her heart, good singer and dancer. She was the backbone of the EYT family cast who had brought joy to those that had worked with her and viewers at home. She is irreplaceable.
Lydia ‘s daughter Joyce Cheng Yan-yee is also very talented and a lovely young lady. She is a talent in her own right. I see Lydia in Joyce. She has inherited the best DNA/talents from Lydia and combining with her own, she will certainly become an even greater star than her mother Lydia . That was what Lydia would have wanted Joyce to be, a great star (even greater than herself). Lydia has always been very proud of Joyce. It was always a joy to see them together as they interact lovingly and often say “I love you” and kiss each other.
I was correct in recognizing Lydia ‘s talent when I first discovered her 40 years ago and predicted that she would be a great star. I am sure I am correct again in predicting Joyce will become a even greater successful star than Lydia and be known by not only the Chinese communities but by everyone all over the world and be as famous as Jackie Chan and Jet Li.
Joyce is a very good singer and has the potential to become one of the world’s best Chinese/English Singer. If one compares Joyce’s singing with the majority of Hong Kong ‘s popular Chinese singers she is much better than most of them. Most Hong Kong popular singers’ success are due to good packaging and marketing. Joyce has the real talent with an outstanding voice. She sings well in English and Chinese.
I will forever remember Lydia ‘s smile, happy contagious laughter and all our happy working and personal moments together.

Lydia Shum TV Memorial (Chinese) TVB 2008 5’40”
Our Beloved “Happy Fruit” Lydia Sum
TV’s funny lady Lydia Shum dies -South China Morning Post, 20 February 2008
Fei Fei is gone, but laughter lives on -South China Morning Post, 20 February 2008
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蔡和平讚譽:電視的「國寶」 -成報, 20 February 2008
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好友憶肥姐 泣不成聲 -東方日報, 20 February 2008
懷念肥姐,懷念你的笑聲 -都市日報, 20 February 2008
EYT 戰友 : 無可替代 -明報, 20 February 2008
四朵金花成經典 -新報, 20 February 2008
蔡和平: 肥姐代表香港電視 -am730, 20 February 2008
TVB sorrow over loss of ‘Happy Nut’ -The Standard, 20 February 2008
The Standard: Lydia Shum articles -20 February 2008
無线 《肥姐我們永遠懷念您》 -明報週刊, 26 February 2008
痛失巨星愁罩藝壇 -太陽報, February 2008
「肥姐 我們永遠懷念您」追思會 -明報周刊, February 2008
無线劇集讓路 群星揮淚別肥姐 -February 2008
各界沉痛哀悼 -March 2008
從笑聲中回憶開心果 -TVB WEEKLY, 3 March 2008
蔡和平︰欣宜有好媽咪 -文匯報, 3 March 2008
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藝人對公審秋官感詫異 -am730, 3 March 2008
多位歌手獻唱心聲向肥姐致敬 -成報, 3 March 2008
EYT 戰友送別 -明報, 3 March 2008
KEEP QUIET YOU’RE JUST GIVING EXCUSES -The Electric New Paper, 4 March 2008
Flowers fill HK stadium -Asiaone, 4 March 2008
蔡和平高度讚揚肥姐的工作態度 -文匯報, 9 March 2008
好友相送 不忍遠離 -TVB Weekly, 11 March 2008